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Air Quality Flag Program

Working Towards a Better Tomorrow

ADEQ's Air Quality Flag Program promotes a healthy environment for our children, workers, family, friends and neighbors by providing Arizona communities with resources to inform residents about:


  • Local outdoor air quality conditions

  • How air pollution impacts health

  • Actions we can take to protect ourselves

  • Ways we can improve the quality of the air we breathe


The program is especially important for children, including teens, and those with asthma or other respiratory illnesses, whose risk of experiencing health issues from air pollution is greater.

How does it work?

The program provides participating facilities with educational materials and colored flags that notify communities about local air quality conditions and correspond with the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA's) Air Quality Index (AQI). By sharing educational materials with residents and flying the flags in a visible spot, the facilities help alert people to that particular day’s air quality, so they know when and how to modify their outdoor activities.

Program Fact Sheets

Fact Sheet

Air Quality Flag Program Fact Sheet - English

Hoja Informativa

Hoja Informativa - Programa de Banderines de Calidad del Aire

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